True excellence
is a product of synergy

We provide IT consulting. And we take it seriously.
We empower IT teams with the best internal communications & process management practises.
We turn corporate energy into synergy and help you get the most daring projects done.

About Synergee Contact Us

The “synergy” formula is 1+1=3+ meaning that combined power of every team can be greater than a sum of its individual members powers. In Synergee we focus on unique strengths of each employee to unlock the maximal potential of your company.

We undertake the “boring” part of perfecting development, management and communication processes for you, so that your team could focus on pure joy of productive work and extensive growth.

Synergee is based in Estonia famous for its fully digital society, unique startup eco-system with most “Unicorns” per capita in EU, great tax and crypto regulations. We will be glad to help your business benefit from Estonian community power and synergy!

Synergee has 10+ years of experience in managing IT teams and projects of any size and difficulty, predominantly in FinTech sector. We strive to reach synergy with every Client!

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